Charles Wesley - Jesu, Thou Great Redeeming Lord Lyrics


Jesu, Thou Great Redeeming Lord Lyrics

1 JESU, thou great redeeming Lord,
The kingdom of thy peace restored
Let all thy followers perceive,
And happy in thy Spirit live;
Retain the grace through thee bestowed,
The favour and the power of God.

2 Give all thy saints to find in thee
The fulness of the Deity;
His nature, life, and mind to prove,
In perfect holiness and love:
Fountain of grace, thyself make known
With God and man for ever one.

3 Still with and in thy people dwell;
Thy gracious plenitude reveal;
Till coming with thy heavenly train
We eye to eye behold the Man,
And share thy majesty divine,
And mount our thrones encircling thine.

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